Equine Industry


Equine operations, such as thoroughbred racing, stables, horse studs and equestrian centres, generate significant amounts of organic waste, including manure and bedding materials. Our process transforms your waste into valuable resources which you can use as a catalyst to meet your ESG and social licence obligations.


Our waste-to-biofertiliser and clean energy system can benefit the equine sector by promoting sustainability, reducing costs, improving waste management, generate carbon credits, producing energy for business operations and biofertiliser for naturally improved pasture health.

We work with specialised sectors such as these to help you meet your ESG requirements, delivering your social licence. 


The UAG Bio Nutrients system is scalable to meet the needs of equine facilities of all sizes. It is self-powering, transportable and has built-in processing redundancy. You’ll have energy independence and resilience, aligning your business with wider initiatives to create a more sustainable future.